Sensor Instrument for Underwater Research – 2011


Marine Applied Research & Exploration Group (MARE) collects important underwater data and video around islands and the nearshore Pacific coast of the United States, down to 1,300′ deep. This includes locations around the Channel Islands and Farallon Islands of California. They will soon perform environmental assessments, including water quality monitoring and surveys of endangered fish, off the Oregon Coast. This work … Read More

Invasive Rat Control on Henderson Island – 2011, 2014

Visiting North Beach, Henderson Island (Photo: Dave Williamson)

Henderson is the largest island in the Pitcairn group in the South Pacific Ocean, (latitude 24.22 S, longitude 128.19 W). It is home to breeding Henderson Petrels as well as other endemic bird species. Pacific Rats (Rattus exulans) had been killing more than 25,000 petrel chicks a year, threatening the continuing existence of this rare seabird. Fully 99 of all … Read More

Alameda County Breeding Bird Atlas – 2011

Alameda County Breeding Bird Atlas. 2011.

The long-awaited Alameda County Breeding Bird Atlas, in the works since the 1990’s, was produced by volunteers from GGAS and Ohlone Audubon. It includes 173 carefully written species accounts, 30 wonderful illustrations by Hans Peeters, and a detailed vegetation map of the county using the latest data available. Year of grant: 2011 Amount: $3,000 Grantee: Golden Gate Audubon Society