The Farallon Islands Foundation donated a Trimble Tablet Computer to the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Oregon State University to collect data for a statewide inventory of birds that will be called The Oregon 2020 project. This project will inventory the locations and numbers of each bird species in the state to establish a benchmark in time of the state’s birds and vegetation at each inventory location. The data will be collected so all future surveys, decades or centuries from now, can compare back to the year 2020 and understand how the state’s biological resources have changed with time.
As the field surveyor takes a digital picture, the computer automatically records the geographical coordinates or geo-tags each photo. This process greatly streamlines data entry and the archival process, saving both time and money while ensuring high levels of accuracy.
FIF Chairman and OSU alumnus Dick Spight took a personal interest in the Oregon 2020 project. We are honored to have this opportunity to support vital scientific work at OSU and in support of researching and protecting Oregon’ island ecosystems.
Year of grant: 2009
Amount: $5,000
Grantee: Oregon State University Department of Fisheries & Wildlife